Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My First Loaf: Aztech Basic Loaf

When we purchased our Breadmaker, the usual thing that we did was to go through the User Manual that comes with the bread machine. Imprinted in the manual, there are some basic recipes for the functioning of each setting prefix by the bread machine. The first thing to do is the First Time Activation of the bread machine where we are required to do an empty Bake for 10 mins, just like what we will do for all ovens. There will be some smoke and burnt smell during the empty bake, which is perfectly normal.

After activating the functioning of the bread machine, I baked my very first Homemade Basic Loaf using the Recipe in the User Manual.

Aztech Bread Loaf Recipe (500g Loaf)


160ml     Water
1              Egg (60g)
15g          Unsalted Butter
2.2g         Salt (or 1/3 tsp)
18g          Sugar 
10g          Milk Powder
240g        Bread Flour
2.5g         Instant Dry Yeast (3/4 tsp)


Always remember to pour in the liquid ingredients into the bread pan, follow by salt and sugar, each on opposite sides, then pour in the dry ingredients i.e. milk powder and bread flour. Instant yeast will be the last. Do note that I have put in Unsalted Butter right after the liquid ingredients as stated in the User Manual. Some bread machines require the sequence of butter to follow right before the yeast. So do check the User Manual that comes with your bread machine. 

p/s: My first loaf and so the Instant Yeast is spread all over the top of all the ingredients. This is Totally Wrong. To ensure that the Yeast are not killed, after pouring in the Bread Flour, you'll need to dig a small hole and pour in the Yeast. This will ensure that the yeast are not mixed with salt that act as a balancer so that the dough will not rise too much and collapse.

Step 1: Pour in the Liquid Ingredients follow by salt and sugar at each corner then butter, flour and yeast.

Step 2: Once all ingredients in the Bread Pan, put the pan back into the machine and Press the Basic Function. Then, sit back and relax to see that the ingredients are being automatically mixed, knead into dough and being proof before it is being baked.

Step 3: After the proofing process, the bread machine will start to bake. During the baking, do not open the lid of the machine but you may peek through the window of the lid.

Tada! Finally finished the Bake of my first loaf.

Have a wire rack ready to place the bread for 30 mins to cool the bread. Remember to be patient as bread that have not been cooled long enough will be wet entirely when you cut it. Trust me, I have tried this before!

Final Product! I am tapping myself on the shoulder for this first successful bake!


  1. Hi
    I am considering Aztech bm. May I know how do u find it so far? How long does e dough function knead in total? Did u find out the price of replacement parts like pan n knead paddle? Sorry so many qns hehe am.considering between aztech n mayer now. Thx

    1. Sorry for my late reply. Comparing to Mayer, I like Aztech machine for its slim and tall design that it helps to save a little of space. As for the replacement parts, I find that it is on the high side for the bread pan that cost S$25 and paddle for S$10. As to the functions, at the time of my purchase, it has the function for Jam whilst Mayer doesn't have that. I have not been checking Mayer's if they now do have new series.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Xen. Had been overseas and contracted with conjunctivitis, so I went hibernation and not been baking. Do look out for upcoming recipes that I'll be sharing soon.

  3. Hi, can i chk if u remove the stir bar before the baking start?

    1. Hi Elston, I usually do not remove the stir bar from the dough as it'll not affect the texture of the bread unless if in future, I'm doing bread patterning.

    2. Hi Elston, I usually do not remove the stir bar from the dough as it'll not affect the texture of the bread unless if in future, I'm doing bread patterning.
